Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Week 78! Happy Birthday to me!🎂🎂🍰🍰🎉🎉🎁

o everyone who wished me a happy birthday, thank you! Sorry I couldn't answer back but I got the messages. 
This week was pretty great! We didn't find many people but we did met with a lot of members and returning members! This week had a lot of teaching appointments too! Well except for Thursday. We had a full day planned and everything fell through within an hour. We ended up going to visit a lady in the hospital instead. I believe that God changed our plans that day so we could see her instead. Sometimes when a whole day goes upside down you have to ask yourself who do you need to help or what do you need to learn
The funny stuff:
So for pday we were planning to go on this nice walk, but it was a lie. A bold faced lie. We ended walking up two hills on each side of the road (which was completely unnecessary, there was a trail) and then we went up this little cliff path. It was super steep and Rocky. Then I died. I ended waking up in the middle of the night to take a pain pill because everything hurt so much. 
So we had to leave our district council earlier than usual, and they were making waffles for lunch. So during the ending song it got progressively faster and faster so we could end on time. I couldn't keep a straight face during the song and I was giggling the whole time.
So during exchanges, my companions were talking to a man, and as they were talking, he got pooped on by a pigeon. He still accepted a card though.
So during exchanges they only had two extra mattresses, but there was three of us so they put their two mini couches together to make a little boat bed. Of course, since I'm such a child, I wanted the boat bed. It wasn't too bad, I couldn't stretch out properly, but I curl up when I sleep anyways so I was happy.
So our wonderful friend Mark gave us a huge bag of fruit on Friday. Saturday morning, I'm all 'I'm going to treat myself for my birthday' so I make a huge bowl of fruit salad, dump some sugar on it, and loads of whipped cream and I had that for breakfast. Well the whole day I had stomach ache and I needed to use the bathroom like every hour. No regrets
So this person texted us, asking for me personally, wanting to know if we can come over for a lesson. I had no memory of this person, but hey new potential investigator so we texted back. They said they weren't interested in religion but that they were actors doing research, and our first thought was the book of Mormon musical which is coming out in Manchester next week. Apparently they just wanted to practice American accents. We had to say no, but I was flattered.

Week 77! The sun is shining the birds are singing

On days like this, kids like you should be..... Sharing the gospel!!!
So this week was sooo nice and sunny. It was actually kind of hot for a few days. Like 70 degrees. I'm going to die when I get home. We had a really good finding time, and on Thursday we found four new friends! And they all texted us back so hopefully they'll make it past the first lesson. I also found out that I'm super sensitive to codeine. That'll be in funny moments. 
The funny stuff:
So I forgot to put this in last week, but sister laursen is a prankster and she pulled a fast one on me during our exchanges. She picked a dandelion and held it up for me to blow, and as I inhaled, she stuck it in my mouth. Dandelion doesn't taste nice either.
So on pday, we went in a Victoria's secret to get one of the sisters fitted, and it was one of the uncomfiest experiences of my life. Besides all the underwear pictures, there was also a huge screen in the back playing a fashion show for Victoria secret underwear. I will never step foot in that store again.
So we must've been with a new bus driver, because he took a wrong turn and was super late and all the old ladies yelled in sync: TURNING THE WRONG WAY. The poor driver. Then the passengers heckled the bus driver and his helper the whole ride. They were merciless. It was like watching chickens take out the bottom of the pecking order.
Sister Ott and sister Songer Love to imitate accents, and both of them are pretty good at it too. It's really funny when we're walking and they start having a conversation with every statement in a different accent. The only accent I can do is the extreme valley girl.
We only have one mirror in the flat, and it's in the bedroom which doesn't have very good lighting. Long story short, I have a big scab on my face now because I tried to pop a freckle
So I started my monthly day of pain and hunger (not referring to fast Sunday) and the only pain pills in the flat was these paracetamol and codeine ones. They must've been really intense because the box said to not use longer than three days or else they become really addictive. Well it was my only option so I took two and it was probably one of the worst decisions of my life. I was tripping so hard, literally and figuratively. I felt like I was on a boat in stormy weather basically. I thought I was dying or something so I called the mission nurse and apparently this is a fairly common reaction to codeine. 

Monday, May 13, 2019

Week 76!! So I'm not famous

So last week when I said that missionaries were possibly getting interviewed for a TV show, well it did happen. Because there was a trio of sisters though, they wanted to send one out so that there wouldn't be too many at once. So I volunteered and spent two days in Oldham while the filming was going on. Normally I would jump on a chance like this, but anyone who knows me knows that if I think something, I will say it, and my brain is pretty wierd. Plus I respect the church way too much to do that to it, so I was happy going on exchanges. During the week we also started seeing a returning member named Howie who is absolutely amazing. He's so prepared and ready to come back. Plus he gave us cereal. We also managed to meet our goal of four new friends (investigators) because we made two during the week and then two new people showed up to church! I was in Oldham for this so I haven't met them yet though.
Exchanges in Oldham was so fun! I was with sister larsen and sister Escalon during it and they are a party. We also had a lesson with a returning member named Ama, and she is probably one of the cutest old ladies I've ever met. Honestly I just love the old ladies in England. They're probably my favorite group of people. 
Anyways this week's spiritual thought will be on believing and true conversion. So anyone can believe in Jesus christ and get a spiritual witness of him, but how do you know if you are a true follower of christ? When we are baptized, we covenant to take his name upon us, and that means to stand up for the standards you promised to follow at all times, even when it's not convenient or when no one is looking. It's important to receive a testimony, but a testimony isn't built on seeing miracles or random powerful spiritual witnesses. For example: laman and lemuel definitely believed in Christ. They saw a literal angel, heard the voice of God, and were shocked by the power of God. Plus all the miracles that Nephi and Lehi preformed. There was no way they didn't have a belief in God so why were they so bad still? It's because they never did the things needed to keep their testimony. When I've taught people on the mission, almost every one of them felt the spirit in lessons. I felt it so they should've felt it. But only the ones who kept their commitments and tried for themselves to feel that again were ably to keep their belief in christ. It's not about seeing a miracle, it's about living in a way where you'll always be able to feel the spirit. In Matthew 7, Jesus gives the parable of the wise and foolish man:
24 ¶ Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:
25 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.
26 And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:
27 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.
The wise and foolish man both built a house (they both had a spiritual experience), but the difference was the foundations they built it on. The foolish man built his testimony on sand. He chose to put in little effort and because we didn't work hard to keep his testimony, when the rains (or trials and temptations) came, his testimony washed away. The wise man on the other hand, built his home on a rock. He put in the Daily work needed to keep the spirit with him always, and because he did that, when trouble came his testimony stood firm because it was built on a good foundation. 
The funny stuff:
So the book of Mormon musical (not church produced) (the one that makes fun of us) is coming out soon in England, and we had a whole training in zone conference on how to answer questions without controversy. The best part too is that the church is running and ad that says "you've seen the play, now read the book. The book is always better!" it comes out my last week of the mission too.
So there's some people who do church online. I had no idea that was a thing. Everything is on the internet these days though.
It's so funny the stereotypes other countries make of each other. One girl was telling me that they saw all Americans as loud, crazy like our celebrities (we are pretty loud though) and I told her about how we see all English people as posh, proper, and really classy and she thought it was hilarious
We called by a lady's home and she couldn't open the door because she lost her key. I hope she finds it or else she'll be locked in.
So either the walls are super thin or our neighbor has one heck of a stereo because we can hear every song or TV show they play. (and poor sister Ott is trying to stop singing worldly songs) (I'm pretty sure they're agents of shield fans)
I miss the chavs in Chorley. The ones here are so annoying. They'll yell "obscene" things as we walk past. Meanwhile the chavs in Chorley just called us gorgeous but that was it. I was planning to name my first future pet chav but now I'm rethinking it.
So I saw this soda that was dandelion and burdock flavored and if course I had to get it. If I gave it a rating between 1 and 10 I would give it a 3. It wasn't as bad as the cookie soda from Satan that my parents made me drink once, but this one was still pretty rubbish. And it did not taste like dandelion at all. I am speaking from experience.
When I was at a street display in Oldham, this lady came up and asked to see all the elders hands, but she didn't want to see mine. Then we saw her walking up the street again and she was singing the whole time. Then she came up again, asked for a book of Mormon, said 'God bless' (it's a very popular phrase among the Christians here) and left with it. Whoever you are mysterious hand checking lady, I will always remember you.
Sister Songer and I have really been struggling with the no worldly song thing. So, in order to be more obedient, sister Ott decided to stop singing non-church songs, and sister Songer and I, being supportive companions (and decent human beings) decided to do it with her to make it easier. Well Satan doesn't like this goal, because my memory of rock, Disney, and alexander Hamilton song lyrics has never been better, and it is taking every ounce of willpower not to rub it in sister otts face.
So I'm a horrible person and this is why I opted out of being on TV: So we were at a members home while on exchanges with sister Larsen and Escalon, and the lady was telling us this really sad killing that happened to a religious group, and the first thing that came out of my mouth was "well that sucks." The second was "wait that's not dignified, that's awful!" Can anyone imagine if I said something like that in an interview. At least this guarantees that I'll never be one of the women axillary presidents. (the member wasn't mad and she was very understanding of my mistake) 

Monday, May 6, 2019

Week 75! So I might become famous

So there's a huge family called the Prestons, and they are participating in a documentary about people in England. They are representing the church too and there will be cameramen next Sunday and possibly when we see them during tea. We'll have to get permission from president for that. If we do though, I have a 10% chance of being in a documentary.
So this week was pretty great! We called by Tons of people and had a few lessons. I don't know anybody too well yet but I'll mention them in later emails. There's also two wards in Ashton and the sisters cover both. We also have two sets of elders who have one ward each so lots of missionaries in this area. The wards both start at the same time (just different classes then they flip) so we have two sacrament meetings each Sunday. It almost feels like I'm in Chorley again.
The funny stuff:
On the boat ride to haysham, I was alone, and it wasn't private or assigned seating so I just found a spot in the news room and I was planning on a nap. But then, they started playing Dumbo on the TV screen, so I had to force myself to move over to the Cafe lounge where there were no tvs. I swear I almost shed a tear at that moment (I love Dumbo) but duty calls.
There's a law in Shrewsbury where it's legal to kill someone with a longbow on the first Sunday of every month on this specific bridge. Just letting everyone know
When I was unpacking, I realized I zipped one of my luggage packs inside out
So there's a company called Co-operation (co-op for short) and I swear they do everything. Ive seen a co-op grocery store, travel shop, pharmacy, doctors office, charity shop, and funeral care. I'm pretty sure co-op runs England
So we saw this man kind of speed walk out of a store and the owner was yelling at him as he walked away (stuff like I have your face on camera). So we being situationally aware, decided to cross the street and get out of dodge. Later as we're walking back to our flat, we see the dude again! And so we cross the street again, and he's acting all dodgy and walking in the middle of the street and back all the time so I think he was on drugs. 

Homecoming talk

*Haley spoke in the Peachwood ward on Sunday June 23rd at 9am. Haley didn't type out a talk..she just wrote some bullet points down. I r...