Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Week 35! Road Trip!

This week went by really fast and tbh I don't even remember most of it. We got some crazy weather and there was a flower show in Astley Park, so tons of people were in town this week. (missionaries couldn't go bc it was on Saturday and it cost 10 pounds to get in). There was also a baptism this week for Vivian, a girl that the elders are teaching. It was super fun and you could tell that she was on a spiritual high from girls camp before. This Monday we had zone conference and instead of the usual meetings, we went on the mission history tour. It was the same one I went on in the MTC but it was just as good! We ended the tour with a departing testimony meeting inside of a catholic chapel. 
For this week's spiritual thoughts, I'll put some fun facts from the England Manchester Mission. 1.the first group of missionaries in a foreign mission were the ones going to England. They were led by Heber C Kimball. 2. On the 30th of July 1837, President Kimball and the other missionaries were attacked by evil spirits. 3. The first person baptized in England was George watt, who won a footrace against another man for the right to be the first one baptized. 4. The pearl of great price was first printed and published in Liverpool, England. 5. The majority of our prophets served in the England Manchester Mission or another England mission.
Funny stuff:Sister Gilland told me that poptropica is like the mission. You have people who give you clues, you have to find keys, sometimes your keys don't work in different areas, and most of the time you just end up walking around aimlessly.
Language barrier moment #23: in kickball, elder casidebari didn't know the word bounce, so he told the pitcher "make sure the ball does not jump". Now everyone says it.
I took like 3 iron tablets one day because I was really tired and I forgot that I had already taken 1 for the day. Apparently if you take more than the normal dose of iron, I can provide laxatives like effect. I had to get up twice in the middle of the night.
I have almost 40 pounds in change now. At this point, the only thing keeping me from exchanging it to cash is my laziness.
When I was doing laundry in the morning, I saw a really big spider so I stomped on it really hard (barefoot) (I was really tired man). It turned out to be a hairball from the dryer.
We were hit on like 3 times one day(new record). One of the pickup lines was: can I have your snap chat, because your looking awfully gorgeous tonight. (that was from a 12 year old chav on a scooter) (they do that all the time)
During sports night we played volleyball and I'm actually hitting the ball properly at least half the time now. I did mess up 2 times, both events resulting into smacking the ball into my own face.
Also during sports night, one of the ysa (I won't name names) summersaulted to his teams side when he got picked. The problem was that his foot caught the volleyball net and brought it down, almost hitting another ysa, and making everyone scream. It was the funniest thing I've ever seen. best sports night ever. 
When we were sleeping, a drunk dude at 4 in the morning started ringing our doorbell and the other doorbells in the building. He was screaming a bunch but I was too tired to care. Sister Gilland got super scared though. I don't see the problem, it's not like he can get in without a key. 
On our way to the Morrisons(shopping for tea), sister Gilland found a snail and we decided to keep it. It had like 6 names because we couldn't decide. When we got to Morrisons, we left it outside with the hope that it would still be there. When we got out, we watched as this random dude picked it up and walked away with our snail. Sister Gilland was so sad and kept complaining about how we were bad mothers. I just thought it was funny that we got out at that exact moment to see our snail get stolen. 
On the way home it hailed super hard. I'm taking hail balls the size of my thumbnail. They hurt really bad too. We had to get shelter under an overhang for a while.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Week 34! Whats around the Riverbend?

There is opposition in all things, except for FridayFriday rocked. It was pretty hard finding people this week. England seemed to be in a state of grumpiness all week. Not much else to say there. Friday was really nice though. We did a surprise visit for Eyesha, one of the members, and ended up helping her move her bed and wardrobe which was really fun. Later that evening, we had a lesson with Josh and Jacob and Stephan (two recent converts) ended up sitting in. It was like having two powerhouses to back us up. The lesson went great and Josh came with us to sports night right after. Because the cultural hall was being used for a wedding, we ended up playing uno, hide and seek, and signs. I found that a lot funner than volleyball actually. Also on Sunday, sister Gilland and I gave talks! Mine was on daily scripture study, and sis Gilland had daily prayer. I was supposed to be 7 min, but ended up being 5 because I talked too fast. Nerves man

Anyways, this week's spiritual thought is why do bad things happen to good people? Why do we have opposition? It's a fact of life that everyone will have bad experiences, hard trials, or be affected by others choices. Nobody s exempt from that. No matter how well you keep the commandments of God, you will still have hard times in your life. In the book of mormon, alma and amulek had to watch all these people they taught be put to death by fire. Amulek asked Alma why he didn't call down the power of God to save all of those people. Almas reply was: alma 14: 11 But Alma said unto him: The Spirit constraineth me that I must not stretch forth mine hand; for behold the Lord receiveth them up unto himself, in glory; and he doth suffer that they may do this thing, or that the people may do this thing unto them, according to the hardness of their hearts, that the judgments which he shall exercise upon them in his wrath may be just; and the blood of the innocent shall stand as a witness against them, yea, and cry mightily against them at the last day."

God never allows good people to suffer without promising his blessings. He loves us and knows that we need trials to become strong snd help others. The only thing we need to do is to continue choosing the right and turning to god. We are responsible for our own salvation, and nothing anyone does to us can change that. I love all of you and hope you all have a great week!

*Funny moments of the week! 
I opened my cereal box from the bottom and now I have to be extra careful not to spill it.
When we were walking, we saw a dude driving and reading a book at the same time.
Things sister Gilland is good at: intentionally singing off key to annoy me.
While we were in a coordination meeting, I was really struggling with my personal demons (picking my hair) so I drew on my hand instead (which isn't much better tbh) (I need a fidget toy). Elder casidebari was very impressed with the drawing though.
We were playing hide and seek for sports night (I didn't plan this) and sister Gilland, Emma, georgina and I decided to hide under all the chair stacks in the cultural hall. The problem with that though was that sister Gilland, Emma, and georgina are all skinnier than me. Long story short, I got stuck at a right angle and they had to move a stack so I could wriggle out.
Two people hid in the elevator and nobody considered it an option so it took forever to find them.
When we were having a lesson by the baptismal font, the stls were in a room near it ad we didn't know. I saw them awkwardly try to sneak out during the lesson and I had to pray twice to keep myself from laughing while we were talking about the holy ghost.
We were moving a bed and wardrobe for one of our members, and when we were flipping over the bed frame sister Gilland DROPPED it on Me! (don't worry it was really light so it didn't hurt) (scared me pretty bad though)
It's gotten to the point where sister Gilland can pinpoint the exact moment when I'm about to quote Hamilton songs. 

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Week 33! Happy Birthday Sister Gilland!

So it was sister Gillands birthday this Sunday. It was super fun! The Elders made pancakes for lunch, the stls got a cute card, Jess had us over for tea, and Emma and Georgina made a (really pretty) cake. Good day. (I drew her a picture). This whole week was pretty great actually. The weather cooled down and it rained overnight a bunch so no more allergies! This week we had a lot of Street displays and church events. Most Fridays we have a sports night with the ysa. This week was kickball. It was really funny watching elder Adams trying to teach a bunch of English kids how to play kickball. They all got really into it though. We also got to teach Josh again and taught the plan of salvation in front of the temple. I am so blessed to be near a temple. Just being there instantly brings the spirit! Also transfers happened, and Sister Gilland and I are staying together. No change there. 
This week's spiritual thought is temples. How lucky are we to have a way to seal families? And perform works for our ancestors? Temples are not only a gift but are also proof of the perfectness of God's plan. Because of temples and the ordinances inside, it's possible for Everyone to come to heavenly father again. No matter where and when you lived, what you learned, and who you grew up with;everyone gets that chance. I'm just so grateful that we have something so special in our lives and I really encourage all of you who are reading this to try to visit the temple this month.
Funny stuff:
Mission security gave all the missionaries an early curfew because of the world cup.
I was bragging about my ice cold water when I dropped my water bottle and dented it pretty good. Karma man
Like nobody in England uses ice, so getting ice at a tea appointment is a Huge treat. I had been putting ice in my (thermal) water bottle and Jacob (who was joining us for a Street display) asked for a swig. Of course I have to help a brother out so I gave him some. His reaction was like he drank the nectar of the gods (according to him). I love English people.
By request, I drew elder casidebari fighting a lion. I wanted it to be missionary appropriate so I made it look like he was hitting the lion with a book of Mormon. I should've used a Bible though because bibles are thicker so it would've been a better weapon. 
England lost the semifinals of the world cup and the ysa group chat was all gifs of sad crying people. I'm actually really sad too. :(
The Welsh word for microwave is pipty-popty. The welsh word for jellyfish is wibbly-wobbly. Either welsh is the weirdest language ever or someone is pulling my leg
When we were walking in town center, I saw what I thought was a dead pigeon but as we came closer I realized it was actually a massive pet lizard. Pictures will be included. Needless to say, I fell in love with a very charming lizard named Zeus.
So Sister Poussard would always mess up my hair, and she taught Sister Pogisho to do it too before she transferred to Chorley. Now Sister Pogisho is going home (she's done folks) and guess who she's  being replaced with........ Sister Poussard! My hair will be forever ruined.
I really dislike having pday on Tuesdays. Waking up on Monday was so sad. I woke up super excited to email, remembered that it's a normal day, then felt like someone just shot my dog. (I'm sure all you return or current missionaries can relate)
One of our investigators likened Charlie and the chocolate factory to the garden of eden. This what he said: The chocolate factory has some interesting parallels to the garden of eden: a benevolent creator of the factory gives innocent creatures not fruits but things that are just as sweet, he tells the children not to do certain things but use their agency to get what they want; breaking the rules and therefore being punished by Willy Wonka. 

*Transfers are today and Haley said 
Blackburn is getting two new Elders who she don't know yet, the zone leaders are the same, and Sister Gilland and Haley are staying together. For the stls, Sister Thompson is staying and Sister Pogisho goes home and Sister Poussard (Haleys trainer..aka Big Mama) is replacing Sister Pogisho. 

Elder Casidebaris picture, some mushrooms that look strangely like bread, and the very handsome lizard named Zeus
A picture Haley drew for Sister Gilland for her birthday.
Haleys district..before transfers.
The Ensign article of Elder Carlson and Artarts. They were in Haleys district a few transfers ago and Haley said great things about them both. 

Monday, July 9, 2018

Week 32!! Baby's first fireside

This week was insane. I don't even remember most of it. We did find a bunch of friends and had a bunch of appointments canceled on us (#missionlife) we also had a really funny miracle this week! So sister Gilland found a new friend and put his contact details on her tablet notes. The problem is that she closed the tab without saving her notes. She yells at me (I'm on the other side of the park chatting people up) to run after her. Then she books it so I have to run after her (stay in sight and sound) and I have no idea why we are running so I'm pretty annoyed by now. We run halfway through the park and up the street before she stops. She was running after the man to get his details back but she had lost him. When she checked her tablet a min later though, all the stuff appeared back! (#godisrealfolks) she was super stoked (and I was angry and out of breath, I got excited later though). We also had a new member fireside where all the new members share their story. It was super spiritual and it helped me remember the difference that the gospel makes for people.
The funny stuff:
My forgetfulness has passed on to sister gilland. She forgot her name badge the other day.
Elder Adams started cheering for a cloud. We haven't had rain in like a month, and England doesn't know how to handle that. It was the first cloud we've seen in a week.
England won a game against Sweden and we were walking through astley village when it happened. All you could hear was this cheer.
Some pastor bashed sister Gilland because he wasn't let inside the temple.
To annoy me, sister Gilland would always sing songs slowly that aren't meant to be slow. She sings 'make a man out of you' like it's a funeral March.
I've accidentally found like 5 words that are curses in England but normal in America.
We gave a temple grounds tour to a shirtless dude. He loved it.
We were planning on just getting me a haircut, but sister read offered one to sister gilland too. It took a lot of convincing though because she was so scared to cut her hair.
 ** Pictures.. the pictures of them all holding the drinks is her district (minus the YSA girl Jess who is taking the selfies) Elder Adams is the tall blond, Elder Webb is the blond in the back, Elder Casidibari is the Italian brunette, Sister Thompson is the blond and Sister Pogisho is the one with curly hair and the tan and of course her comp Sister Gilland. 

Homecoming talk

*Haley spoke in the Peachwood ward on Sunday June 23rd at 9am. Haley didn't type out a talk..she just wrote some bullet points down. I r...