Monday, January 21, 2019

Week 60!This Girl is on Fiiirrreeee 🔥🔥(literally)

So I accidentally set my winter coat on fire this week. I'll explain in the funny moments
So this week was super busy. We are planning a street display with our district next week and so sister Simonson and I got a lot of street contacting done while we've been out and about. The best spot is an abandoned store right across from a marks and Spencer's (business and casual clothes store). We also had a few lessons with some of the people we found this (and last week). We also had our interviews with president which was pretty fun. This is his and Sister McReynolds last full year as mission president and wife. It definitely won't be the least year though. Next transfer 27 new missionaries are coming in and 17 of them are sisters, and like 20 missionaries (and half of them in leader positions) are going home. It's going to be intense and nobody will be left untouched. 
This week's spiritual thought is on testimony and mostly remembering your testimony. I'm sure everyone who joined the church has had some spiritual experiences that have changed them. There was this really great activity I was invited to do and what it is is you write down every gospel doctrine you to for sure to be true. Then you write down every time you can remember feeling the spirit, having a prayer answered, etc. Then afterwards you write down a promise of what you do with what you have learned from them. It helps to put things in perspective: no opposition can outweigh or take away what you have experienced and know to be true.
The funny stuff:
Sister Simonson and I were talking about hot chocolate and somehow the conversation went to McDonald's shamrock shakes, and apparently they don't make those in England. I'm going to miss 2 Years worth of shamrock shakes. :(
Sister Simonson took out a candy bar from her bag and it was frozen (almost). She said it hurt really bad biting into it.
So I almost accidentally burnt the flat down and I did burn my winter coat. So we were having our lunch and there's this really big lamp (I love that thing) (I use it for art and makeup). My coat was wet so I turned on the lamp and hung my coat on it. As I was eating my sandwich, sister Simonson rushed in and grabbed my coat just as it started smoking really bad. Now the dressing room smells really bad and I had to take the fur off my winter coat because I burnt it.
I was looking at the lamp because I thought it had burnt out (the power switch was off) (I'm so stupid sometimes) and when I looked in the light, I saw it was filled with fried moths. That gave me a pretty good scare. I'm too grossed out to clean it too.
Every time I put on my hood (from the burnt coat) it smells like burnt sugarless smores and it makes me weirdly hungry even though it smells really bad.
Sister Simonson favorite hobby: singing songs out of tune to annoy me (she has a good voice and is perfectly capable of singing the songs properly) (she just chooses not to)
I have an important question for everyone who loves their deep doctrine. So when we get resurrected, any scar, blemish, injury, etc is fixed. So does that mean that we won't have belly buttons because those are scars. Also did Adam and eve have belly buttons. I hope someone answers me back on this. My testimony hangs on the balance here.
So we got a letter from some random company about how they will be sending an officer to check if we have a TV license. We don't have a TV, radio, computer, internet, or access to Google. I Really hope that they'll actually send someone because that will make my day.
We were at an Australian family for tea (it was lovely, if ya'll are reading this, I say thank you!) and right before we left, they showed us a video of this dude Decking a Kangaroo!!? The kangaroo had his dog in a headlock (they can do that apparently) and so the man ran over and just punched it in the face. The kangaroo was so shocked. Definitely one of the top 100 funniest things I've ever seen.
Apparently there's another sister Hawkins coming to the mission. Im being replaced. (gonna have to fight her) (ThEre CAn oNlY Be ONE) (jk I'm sure we'll get on just fine) 

Pictures-  The first snow, Haley's burnt coat hood, their flat (before they cleaned it Haley said) , cooking in their flat.

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