Monday, March 18, 2019

Week 68! Happy birthday relief society

No change on finding, I am getting pretty good at bus contacting though. Anyways this week was a lot of knocking doors and chasing people on the street (not literally, that would be illegal). Relief society in Douglas ward sis have their party though. It was really nice to see a lot of people who hadn't been around for a while, and the ladies really loved it! How amazing is it that we are part of one of the largest and oldest women's organizations of the world! One funny thing too was that there were sisters from four different continents at that party (north America, Asia, Africa, and Europe). Douglas Ward is really diverse.
The topic I want to speak on this week is humility and faith. I'm pretty sure I've done this before but here's another take; so one definition of humility is accepting the lords will despite what may be. For example: someone may get a scary calling (like relief society president) or they may be asked to minister to someone they don't particularly like (yet) (never say never). Those feelings may pop up but our response is how we show our humility and willingness to serve the lord. Do we complain or do we be like Nephi and say "I will go and do"? You might feel like you are unqualified, or you don't have room enough, but the lord knows that and he never gives a commandment that we can't keep. Never (in this case you can say never). We've seen in the scriptures and the church history and in the stories from today in the church magazines, stories of God preparing the way for those to accomplish what he asks. The only thing we need to do is make the first steps ourselves. That's what faith is; going forward believing God will provide despite not knowing what lays ahead. In 1st Nephi, the lord commands Nephi to build a ship. Now Nephi is a young man, who grew up in the desert, probably didn't know any carpeting or metal work, and only has a small handful of people on his side. He's probably never even seen a ship before. I'm sure all this was going through his head, but he knew that God would provide, so he asked where to go find the ore to make the tools to build that ship. After he took those first steps, then God taught him how to make a ship. We can receive that help too if we choose to be humble enough to accept God's commands, then if we are willing to have the faith to make those first steps
The funny stuff:
So I had a really intense dream about Ariel (the little mermaid) and prince Eric. I was a mermaid, ursala (octopus witch) had been arrested but nobody could find Ariel and Eric. Ursala eventually fessed up that she had killed them but for some wierd dream logic reason she couldn't tell us (me and various mermaids, humans, and Spock) (idk why Spock was there but he gave me some good life advice) where she hid the bodies. I was the private investigator so the whole dream I was searching for the bodies, got a life lesson from Spock, and interviewed a couple of sea creatures. After I interviewed a really fat naked lady, she told me where the bodies were buried, and I gave her a mermaid cat in exchange (she was very happy.) I carried the dead bodies of Ariel and Eric to King trident and he cried over Eric but he didn't recognize Ariel. Then I woke up. If some body could make a story out of this one that would be great thanks.
I was looking at some of my old notes I made and this one killed me: so In preach my gospel (basically a missionaries book on how to survive) it talked about defining words that most normal people wouldn't know like dispensation or priesthood etc... My note was "I bet most people wouldn't even have heard about a stake house. If I heard that for the first time I would be thinking medium rare (like steak)." I don't think I was paying attention very well during that study session.
So most of the members know that syster Reyser was a chef before the mission, and we went to one tea appointment, AND SHE HAd SISTER REYSER Cook. So I didn't know that this was pre planned actually, but I've never seen a missionary cook for a meal appointment before, so it was a shock. (the curry was A++ btw)
So we have a bunch of apples in the flat so I decided to make apple muffins. All goes well and as I'm putting the muffins in the oven, I drop the tray because I decided to put them in bare handed. The good news is that I didn't get burned. The bad news is that I put a brown sugar crumble on top, and I had to wait like 40 min for the oven to cool off enough to sweep it all out.
So I made a goal a while ago to stop biting my nails, and to celebrate my 3 week mark of not biting, sister Reyser and I git some nail polish at pound land. Well we forgot the nail polish remover and I already (failed) tried to do a finger. I did my best to wash it off but that stuff wasn't coming off. Luckily a sister in the ward had some nail polish on her or else I would've had to go to church with one really ugly finger.
So missionaries can only download certain apps on their devices because of the filtering service we use, and there's this one app called SwiftKey that I use. It's supposed to make typing faster and easier but the real reason I use it is for the pictures. My keyboard has a picture of my dog's faces on it. 

*pictures.. Some more of Haleys artwork. She wants to draw a coloring book or comic when she comes home. I totally think she should!
-An abandoned church
-Ethans baptism. Haley and her companion had been teaching Ethan before she was transferred to the Isle of Man.. She wasn't able to go back for his baptism but her previous companion sent her the pics from it.

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